Sunday, March 1, 2015

Where did NHCS Watchdogs come from?

The cliff notes version….it was developed out of necessity and a sincere concern for the well-being of our school system. No one media outlet covers all the issues raised regarding our local school system. But when you look at all the articles regarding school system leadership, particularly in the last 24-36 months, you find a disturbing trend, a trend not found with other local governing bodies.

We see article after article where school policies and state laws are skirted by school leadership, and in some cases, simply ignored. We see very serious issues raised by parents that go unresolved and fall to the wayside. We see article after article on issues like these and there seems to be no accountability whatsoever.

In frank conversations with the media, you’ll find they can’t report all they know on many of these issues out of fear of retaliation. If they tick off the wrong people, they will not get the interview next time. How many times do we see controversial stories end with “according to school officials”? That’s the media’s kind way of letting those involved off the hook. 

Our goal is to promote positive change for our school system by pushing for individual accountability and transparency. We’ll reboot local news stories over the last year or two to remind you of what has been going on, as well as provide a significant amount of new content provided by parents, teachers and others. If you’re concerned about our schools, please sign up to receive notification of new post via email. Thanks for visiting our blog and please tell your friends about us!