Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Superintendent dismisses reported policy violations as a difference of opinion

An email sent by New Hanover County School General Counsel Wayne Bullard revealed that a costly part of the schools specification was waived for one particular company during a recent bidding process for a school contract. That company was ultimately awarded the contract.

During a special meeting on the issue on January 20th it was brought to the attention of school officials, including Superintendent Dr. Tim Markley who was in attendance, that the bidding process violated a number of schools policies. Cited were New Hanover County Purchasing Policy 4610 and Ethics Standards of Conduct Policy 6082 which call for "fair and open competition....impartial treatment.... equal opportunity to all,"  and states that when dealing with suppliers employees “must exhibit the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and fairness.”

Attorneys and others that have reviewed the related documents agree school policies were violated in the process. In spite of the evidence that was presented, New Hanover County School Superintendent Dr. Markley dismissed the reported violations as a difference of opinion. 

 A recording of the entire meeting, including Dr Markely's remarks, can be heard here