Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Superintendent’s Conduct Fails to Meet Local and State Ethics Policy Standards

Media reports confirmed that New Hanover County School Superintendent Dr. Tim Markley was having an affair with a subordinate.  The reports also brought up concerns over questionable raises given to the same employee while working under Markley. Markley’s conduct as reported falls woefully short of local and state ethics policy standards.

New Hanover County School Employee Code of Ethics Policy 6082 is very clear. It requires all employees to “exercise the highest ethical standards at all times.”  NHCS Policy 6082 also requires professional employees to follow the standards of professional conduct listed in the “Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators.”

The Code of Ethics for NC Educators states “The educator shall serve as a positive role model for students, parents, and the community.” It goes on to say since they are entrusted with the care of children employees must “demonstrate a high standard of personal character and conduct.”

NHCS Policy 6082 states “...Failure to follow the standards shall subject the employee to investigation and possible disciplinary action by the administration, the Board of Education and/or the State Board of Education, up to and including dismissal.”

According to Policy 6082, violations of the New Hanover County Schools should have consequences, but there appear to be none whatsoever for Superintendent Markley. Once again the public sees school policies enforced very strictly when it comes to teachers, parents or students and not at all when it comes the hierarchy of the current administration.  Apparently, when it comes to our local school system, it’s good to have friends in high places.