Thursday, March 12, 2015

School board members should have been told of plan to increase contract cost

The controversy continues surrounding the New Hanover County School systems Athletic Field Maintenance Contract. An email from school staff notes that before the contract was signed, there was already a plan in place to potentially increase the contract cost to the school system at a later date. School board members were not aware of this potential future expense when they agreed to the contract.

The school systems specification required a costly reel type mower which the company that was awarded the contract did not own. According to an email, school staff came up with a plan that would have allowed the contractor to come back after the fact and raise their price to the school system to help cover the cost of the reel mower. 

New Hanover County School General Counsel Bullard wrote in an email on August 27th “the plan is to see if the rotary mowers Trugreen uses are sufficient and if not, we can ask them to quote a price upgrade to a reel mower and we can evaluate the price increase at that time.” Logistically, since there were only 3 business days between the date of General Counsel’s email and the day the contract was first signed, any price increase would have happened after the contract was signed. 

In a specially called meeting on January 20th, staff were specifically asked about the plan to increase the cost. In a recording of that meeting, staff can be heard struggling to explain the plan discussed in Bullard's email.

Board of Education members should have been made aware of the plan and the associated additional cost so they could better evaluate the overall cost to the school system. The consideration of additional cost could have affected how and to who the contract was ultimately awarded.

It should be noted that the company that lost the bid included the cost for the reel mower in their quote to the school system.