Wednesday, March 25, 2015

School Board Chairman Hayes request to keep emails confidential appears to violate law

This is a reboot of a Wilmington Star News article. This article is important as it is part of what many see as a trend to keep controversial issues regarding the school system out of the public eye. Fortunately, in this case, a fellow board member called Hayes out on his request to keep the information from the public, and with an “oopsie-daisy” from Hayes, the email is made public.

Wilmington Star News
By Pressley Baird
…..On Dec. 30, board Chairman Don Hayes emailed all other board members about how much funding the school board should contribute to put law enforcement officers in every school in the county. The subject line for Hayes' initial email was "CONFIDENTIAL – DO NOT FORWARD." In the body of the email, he wrote: "Please do not forward this email."

But according to state law, written information exchanged between elected government officials that relates to government business is public record…..

Board member Derrick Hickey was the only one to question the need for discussing the issue confidentially. "I am not comfortable keeping things confidential solely because they are controversial," he wrote in an email to Hayes….

Read the complete Star News story here: