Monday, April 13, 2015

Superintendent's Political Activities Violate School Policy

New Hanover County School Policy 6422 on Political Activity states “School system employees shall not.....use school system equipment, supplies, mail service or other modes of communication for political affairs.”

In an article published at, New Hanover County School Superintendent Dr. Tim Markley explains how he used school resources to campaign and push for the passage of the local school bond. The article, which is written by Markley, seems to be self incriminating. In the article, Markley says he used school staff and resources, including the schools parent-contact phone system and confidential email lists, to campaign and push for the passage of the bond. 

NHCS policy clearly states school system equipment, supplies, mail service or other modes of communication shall not be used for political affairs. Superintendent Markley's use of the school systems email list and parent-contact phone system for political affairs, to promote passage of the school bond, are a violation of NHCS Policy 6422.

Read the complete article at here: