Sunday, April 19, 2015

School Officials Sign Contract Knowing Services Will Not Be Provided

New Hanover County School Contract 218-16-15 is a contract for Athletic Field Maintenance Services. In Contract 218-16-15, specification 2.1 requires the use of a reel mower, a costly piece of equipment. Before the contract was ever signed, an email from New Hanover County School General Council Wayne Bullard waived the specification for the reel mower, yet it is still listed as a requirement in the contract.  Bullard himself signed the contract which requires the use of the reel mower even though it was his own email that acknowledged the contractor would not be providing the service per the schools' specification.

Unfortunately this isn't an isolated incident. Contract 218-16-15 specification 2.6 also mandates the use of a heave action aerator. Specification 2.3 of Contract 218-17-15  for Athletic Field Weed and Pest Control Maintenance requires the use of an enclosed boom sprayer. According to school documents, the vendor awarded the two contracts does not list owning either piece of equipment. 

 What do you call it when government officials sign contracts, which are legal documents, for services they know are not being provided? Another question everyone should be asking is "What are we the taxpayers really paying for?" The sad answer is, we have no idea. New Hanover County taxpayers are not getting the services listed in contracts. We are not getting the services we are paying for. 

In the business world, if a company found its employees were handling contracts like this administration, they'd likely be fired, if not prosecuted. The fact is, employees in this administration are not doing their jobs. The Board of Education should demand to know who these employees are and hold them accountable.