Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A teacher's confession: Why I quit

Our school system is collapsing under the weight of a bureaucracy that is expanding at a staggering rate and we are losing great teachers every day.  A teacher speaks out and tells why she and so many others are leaving the profession..... 

This a re post of a USA Today story.

A teacher's confession: Why I quit
Recently, I had to make a tough but necessary decision. As I entered my 23rd year of teaching in North Carolina in traditional public schools as well as a charter school I realized that teaching was not the job I had signed up for.

I want to offer that along with my NC certification for grades K-6 as well as reading grades K-12, I also hold my National Board Certification in literacy as a way to help readers understand I had put my heart and soul into the profession. I was not just sitting stagnant waiting for retirement time.

I did what some think unspeakable.

Yes, I quit half way through this school year to take a job in another field. So, I am a teacher who quit. Quitting and entering another profession was not a decision I took lightly. It took a lot of soul searching, prayer, a pay cut and graduate school. I want to clarify why I quit.....

Read the complete story here: