Monday, April 6, 2015

School Board Chairmans Election Eve Call Violates School Policy

New Hanover County School Policy 6422 on Political Activity states “School system employees shall not.....use school system equipment, supplies, mail service or other modes of communication for political affairs.” In spite of that policy, Superintendent Dr Tim Markley and School Board Chairman Don Hayes decided it would be a good idea to have Hayes narrate an election eve phone call supporting the school bond. The call used the schools' parent contact phone  system and phone number database.  Hayes, who was on the ballot the next day, promptly introduces himself at the beginning of the call and encourages people to vote. 

Chris Meeks, who was a candidate for the school board along with Hayes commented, "I was rather surprised they used the Chairman of the Board of Education who is up for reelection to complete the call." He goes on to say "the fact he was a candidate for office created an appearance of impropriety. It is common practice for competent leaders to avoid such circumstances."

According to the schools public relations staff, the call could have been narrated by any of a number of senior staff officials. If the intent was simply to promote the bond, another senior staff member should have narrated the call.

Those who are familiar with the relationship between Hayes and Markely argue the call served as little more than a very targeted political promotion for Hayes who was on the ballot the next day in a tightly contested reelection bid.

The school policy is very clear, School system equipment is not to be used for political affairs, and it was anyway. School resources were not only used to push the bond, but to promote School Board Chairman Don Hayes who was up for reelection. Yet again we see another very serious violation of school policy by senior leadership with no consequences.

It should be noted Hayes' call did not have the approval of Board of Education.