Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Time for a New Superintendent: Markley off Mark

It’s good to see there are those in the public paying attention to the problems with our school systems leadership. A local letter to the editor hits the mark and calls for a new superintendent. Our county does deserve better.  Removing Dr. Markley would be easier said than done as Markley has strong political allies in Board of Education Chairman Don Hayes and New Hanover County School General Counsel Wayne Bullard. Media reports have shown that Hayes and Bullard provide cover for Markley when needed, and Markley doesn’t hesitate to return the favor.  

Published in the Star News 5/18/2015:
Markley off mark
It's time for superintendent of New Hanover County schools Tim Markley's annual evaluation. After a fiasco, which included ... the reassigning of the superintendent's secretary, which uncovered her disproportionate high salary, and the school board's sudden adoption of a fraternization policy, Markley didn't seek an extension of his contract in 2014. Unfortunately, this year may be different ...

The personal qualities of a superintendent of schools ... are of extreme importance. I'm pleased one school board member upholds those values and gave Markley a C- last year.

Markley has two years remaining on his contract, and I urge the board not to extend it further. We can attract a more suitable, well-educated and experienced leader for our schools who can serve as an exemplary role model for our administrators, teachers and students. 

Annette Justice, Wilmington