Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ashley Parent Posts Comment About Conditions Under Principal Norvell / Thanks Teacher for Speaking Out

An Ashley High School parent posted the following response to a Star News article:

What a disappointment. I have been an Ashley parent for 13 years, have seen many changes in the Administration. Our school, in my and many other parents opinion, has gone down hill quickly in the past 2 years. The teachers are afraid to speak out, many are losing interest in being here, there is a feeling of bullying by the administration. This spills down to the quality of education our students are now receiving. Many excellent educators have left our school, which has been such a loss for our students. Thank you Mrs. Sugerik for being the voice for the parents and educators. I am so disappointed with the board for not allowing more time for results to come back, and to investigate the issues that are well known at Ashley High school. We will be watching the next school year, and will keep the Board on notice.

Post and related Star News Article can be read here: