Monday, June 15, 2015

New Hanover County School Public Records Request Remains Incomplete After 9 Months

While school officials talk about openness and transparency, their actions speak louder than their words. A public records requessubmitted to the New Hanover County Public Schools remains incomplete after 9 months. New Hanover County School General Council Wayne Bullard,  whose email is now at the center of the controversy, is also in charge of completing the associated public records request.

A public records request was submitted by Dejeweski Landscaping September 11, 2014 after concerns arose regarding bidding irregularities for a contract with New Hanover County Schools. When partial information was released, an email from New Hanover County Schools General Counsel Wayne Bullard was discovered that confirmed Dejewski’s concerns had merit. The email from Bullard revealed part of the contracts specification was waived for the other bidder and that bidder was then awarded the contract.

Dejewski’s public records request, which was very specific in nature, has remained unfinished. At a special New Hanover County School meeting on January 20th, 2015,   Bullard was again asked when the public records request would be complete. Bullard’s response was “Within a reasonable time.” That statement was made nearly 5 months ago.

According the the North Carolina Department of Justice, the government entity "should give a reasonable timetable for a response." Bullard, however, has given no specific time frame for completing this public records request. 

New Hanover County Country School Policy 9020 on Access to Public Records requires staff to provide the requested information "within three (3) business days or provide a written response stating the reason for denial or delay of the request."  

North Carolina General Statute 132 requires government entities to provide copies of public records “as promptly as possible,” but stops short of giving a specific time frame for completion. Without a court order compelling Bullard to complete the public records request, Bullard can withhold the balance of related documents indefinitely.

Click here to listen to a heated discussion on this issue which includes General Counsel Wayne Bullard and Superintendent Dr Tim Markley. The discussion begins at the 4-1/2 minute mark.